We use cookies

We use cookies to improve your experience on our site.

That's why you choose Helder:

Rank higher in Google

With a Clear website you will be found better by search engines.

Increase your sales

Helder helps you optimize products and increase sales.

A unique look

We design your website based on your corporate identity and wishes. This makes it truly your website.

Feedback & updates

Helder is updated monthly. All updates are driven by your feedback.

Personal assistance

There is always someone ready to support you on your Helder website.

Expand your website

Enable Helder plugins for more functionality or connect to your existing services.

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Reach more customers with a Helder Website

With Helder you can build new pages in no time. While you are busy, Helder optimises your content for search engines and customers. When you need extra tools, you can expand Helder with the Plugins from the Helder Store.

Joris Verberne kijkt naar de macbook die hij vast heeft

Start selling in your Helder Webshop

Accept online payments and build your catalog together with us. Then get started right away with creating a blog or writing new content pages. A Helder Website is included with your webshop.

This is what our customers say about Helder

Our customers give us an average of 5/5 stars on Google Reviews.

Theo van Rijssen, Mc Key services
"I would highly recommend Helder. They have an excellent reputation for reliability, thoroughness and decisiveness. You can trust that they will take your wishes and needs seriously and come up with effective solutions. Through their open and transparent communication, you are always informed about the progress of your project."
Ben Janssen, aankoopmakelaar
"I am very satisfied with Helder's services. They think creatively with you. In addition, they respond quickly and adequately to questions and requests. I can certainly recommend this company."
Vincent Milovito, Milovito bespoke glass mosaïc
"After a brief introduction, we gave responsibility for the management of our 3 websites. The fact that we did this so quickly had to do with the sincere character and expertise. (...) In the past 2 years, our websites have improved enormously, which together have led to a significant growth in turnover. The collaboration is very pleasant. Short lines, smooth actions."

Ready for an upgrade?
Book a free demo and discover Helder

In one hour you will see everything about Helder and together we will determine what is needed to take your website to the next level.

Johr Claessens

Book a demo via +31 6 48 67 28 57 or fill in the form:

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